Database and Security - A.A. 2020/2021
Lecture Log
Detailed list of the topics covered in each lecture (the log will be updated periodically during the course).
08-10-2020 (Thursday)
Information resources in an organization. Information systems. Database and Database Management Systems. Data models and a brief introduction to the relational data models. Schemas vs instances. Standard three-level DBMS architecture. A brief introduction to SQL. Data manipulation language vs data definition language. DBMSs: advantages and disadvantages.
The relational model. Relations in the relational model. Tables and relations. Incomplete information in the relational model. Integrity constraints. Domain constraints. Tuple constraints. Key constraints. Keys and null values. Primary keys.
15-10-2020 (Thursday)
Integrity constraints. Domain constraints. Tuple constraints. Key constraints. Keys and null values. Primary keys. Foreign keys. Exercises. The relational Algebra. Query languages for relational databases. Set operators (union, intersection,difference). Renaming. Cartesian product. Selection and Projection operators.
22-10-2020 (Thursday)
Set operators (union, intersection,difference). Renaming. Cartesian product. Selection and Projection operators. Conditional join. Equi join. Natural Join. Left, Right, Full outer join. IS NULL and IS NOT NULL conditions. Examples of queries in relational algebra. Exercises
29-10-2020 (Thursday)
Exercise on relational algebra. Introduction to SQL. Structure of an SQL query. Algebraic interpretation of SQL queries. Use of the DISTINCT keyword. Attribute renaming. Table Alias in SQL. Predicate conjunction, disjunction, and negation. Complex logical expression. The LIKE operator. IS NULL and IS NOT NULL predicates.
05-11-2020 (Thursday)
Exercises on relational algebra. Recap on SQL. Simple Join Query in SQL. Exercises on SQL
12-11-2020 (Thursday)
19-11-2020 (Thursday)
26-11-2020 (Thursday)
Recap on Simple Join Query in SQL. Explicit Join in SQL (Inner Join and Outer Join). ORDER BY. Aggregate operators. Group by. HAVING. Set Operators in SQL. Nested queries (Any, All, (Not)In, (Not)Exists). How to install the DBMS PostgreSQL.
02-12-2020 (Wednesday)
Table definition in SQL. User defined domains. Integrity constraints in SQL. Attribute constraints and table constraints. NOT NULL and DEFAULT. Keys and Primary Keys in SQL. Foreing Keys constraints in SQL. Data modification in SQL. Insert, delete, and Update operations in SQL. How to create a database in the PostreSQL DBMS. Exercises on SQL.
03-12-2020 (Thursday)
Exercise on SQL queries. Conceptual Design. The Entity-Relationship model. Entities, Entity Attributes, Relationships, Relationship Attributes.
09-12-2020 (Wednesday)
Recap on Entity-Relationship model. ISA Relationship between entities. Generalizations (Complete and Not complete). Integrity constraints in ER. Cardinality constraints on relationships. Cardinality constraints on attributes. Entity identifiers (Internal and External). Types of binary relationships. Documentation of ER schemas - Business rules.
10-12-2020 (Thursday)
Exercise on conceptual design. Logical design. Restructuring of the Entity-Relationship schema. Redundancy analysis. Elimination of multi-valued attributes. Elimination of ISA between entities. Elimination of generalizations. Selection of a primary identifier. Exercises.
17-12-2020 (Thursday)
Recap on restructuring phase of the Entity-Relationship schema. Translation of the restructured ER schema into a relational model. Translation of an entity. Translation of a many-to-many relationship. Translation of n-ary relationships. Translation of a one-to-many relationships. Translation of a one-to-one relationship. Exercises.
07-01-2021 (Thursday)
Introduction to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). History of the GDPR. GDPR main actors, Data security in GDPR. Data protection by design and by default. Introduction to the GDPR Principles. GDPR Principles. Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency. Purpose limitation. Data minimization. Accuracy. Storage limitation. Integrity and confidentiality (security). Accountability. GDPR Privacy rights. GDPR impact over the information life cycle. GDPR Information Life Cycle. The fifth step in GDPR Information Life Cycle. Exam Simulation.