tbfm10 Arcaini, Paolo Carioni, Alessandro Gargantini, Angelo Riccobene, Elvinia Scandurra, Patrizia

A model-driven process for engineering a tool set for a formal method

in Workshop on Tool Building in Formal Methods, WS-TBFM 2010 (Eds. Fr\'ed\'eric Gervais and Beno\^\it Fraikin) (2010)

In this paper, we present a model-driven process to develop a set of tools around a formal method in order to support its practical use in systems development life cycle, namely tools for model editing, exchange, validation, and verification. These tools should be also strongly integrated in order to permit reusing information about models. This process is based on the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and exploits several concepts and technologies of the MDE, like metamodelling and automatic generation of software artefact starting from models. The process is the result of our experience in engineering a metamodel-based language for the Abstract State Machine (ASM) formal method and in developing the ASMETA (ASM mETAmodeling) tool set which provides tools for developing, exchanging, and analyzing ASM models. ASMETA is also a framework for developing new ASM tools and for integrating existing ones.

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