tap07 Gargantini, Angelo

Using Model Checking to Generate Fault Detecting Tests

in International Conference on Tests And Proofs (TAP), Zurich, Switzerland on 12-13 February 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), n. 4454 (2007): 189--206 ISBN 978-3-540-73769-8

We present a technique which generates from Abstract State Machines specifications a set of test sequences capable to uncover specific fault classes. The notion of test goal is introduced as a state predicate denoting the detection condition for a particular fault. Tests are generated by forcing a model checker to produce counter examples which cover the test goals. We introduce a technique for the evaluation of the fault detection capability of a test set. We report some experimental results which validate the method, compare the fault adequacy criteria with some classical structural coverage criteria and show an empirical cross coverage among faults.

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