graefe2021 Silvia Bonfanti Angelo Gargantini Gabriele Esposito Alessio Facchin Marta Maffioletti Silvio Maffioletti

Evaluation of Stereoacuity with a digital mobile application

in Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 259, n. 9 (2021): 2843--2848

Purpose: Stereopsis is a fundamental skill in human vision and visual actions. There are many ways to test and quantify stereoacuity: traditional paper and new digital applications are both valid ways to test the stereoacuity. The aim of this study is to compare the results obtained using standard tests and the new Stereoacuity Test App developed by the University of Bergamo. Methods: A group of 497 children (272 males), aged between 6 and 11 years old, were tested using different tests for the quantification of stereopsis at near. These tests were TNO, Weiss EKW, and the new developed Stereoacuity Test App. Results: A one-way repeated measure ANOVA showed that the three tests give different thresholds of stereoacuity (p < 0.0001). Post hoc analyses with Bonferroni correction showed that all tests showed different thresholds (p < 0.0001). The lower threshold was obtained by Titmus Stereo Test followed by Stereoacuity App, Weiss MKW, and TNO. Conclusion: The stereoacuity based on global stereopsis showed that the better values were obtained in order by Stereoacuity Test App, TNO, and Weiss EKW. However, the clinical significance of their values is similar. The new digital test showed a greater compliance by the child, showing itself in tune with the digital characteristics of today's children. Keywords: Anaglyph colors; Binocular vision; Digital stereotest; Global stereopsis; Randot stereotest; Stereo threshold; Stereoacuity.

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