Best Paper Award for the paper A Comparative Study of Content-Centric and ContentDistribution Networks: Performance and Bounds, IEEE Globecom 2013 conference, Atlanta, USA, December 2013 (best paper among 841 accepted papers and 2272 submitted papers), coauthored with M. Mangili and A. Capone.
Best Student Paper Award awarded by the IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation (TCSIM), for the paper A Comparative Study of Content-Centric and Content-Distribution Networks: Performance and Bounds, December 2013, coauthored with M. Mangili and A. Capone.
Best 50 papers of IEEE Globecom 2014 for the paper Content-Aware Planning Models for Information-Centric Networking, IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, Texas, December 2014 (best 50 papers out of 2171 submissions), coauthored with M. Mangili, A. Capone and F. Malucelli.
Best Student Paper Award awarded by the Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (Newcom#) for the paper Defeating jamming with the power of silence: a game-theoretic analysis, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, September 2015, coauthored with S. D'Oro, L. Galluccio, G. Morabito, S. Palazzo, L. Chen.
Recipient of the D. Chorafas prize 2005, in recognition of my doctoral thesis Enhanced Bandwidth Estimation and Loss Differentiation in the TCP Congestion Control Scheme.