Fabio Martignon - Home Page

Fabio Martignon

Full Professor (Professore Ordinario)

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University of Bergamo
Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering
via Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (BG), Italy

The image “con_tel.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Phone: +39 035.205.2358

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  • CV (English)

  • Publication list

  • Contributed Code

  • Teaching (course home pages and class notes)


    • Best Paper Award for the paper A Comparative Study of Content-Centric and ContentDistribution Networks: Performance and Bounds, IEEE Globecom 2013 conference, Atlanta, USA, December 2013 (best paper among 841 accepted papers and 2272 submitted papers), coauthored with M. Mangili and A. Capone.
    • Best Student Paper Award awarded by the IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation (TCSIM), for the paper A Comparative Study of Content-Centric and Content-Distribution Networks: Performance and Bounds, December 2013, coauthored with M. Mangili and A. Capone.
    • Best 50 papers of IEEE Globecom 2014 for the paper Content-Aware Planning Models for Information-Centric Networking, IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, Texas, December 2014 (best 50 papers out of 2171 submissions), coauthored with M. Mangili, A. Capone and F. Malucelli.
    • Best Student Paper Award awarded by the Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (Newcom#) for the paper Defeating jamming with the power of silence: a game-theoretic analysis, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, September 2015, coauthored with S. D'Oro, L. Galluccio, G. Morabito, S. Palazzo, L. Chen.
    • Recipient of the D. Chorafas prize 2005, in recognition of my doctoral thesis Enhanced Bandwidth Estimation and Loss Differentiation in the TCP Congestion Control Scheme.