citlab13ttt Calvagna, Andrea Gargantini, Angelo Vavassori, Paolo

Combinatorial Interaction Testing with CITLAB

in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation - Testing Tool track, IEEE Computer Society, ICST '13 (2013): 376--382 ISBN 978-0-7695-4968-2

In this paper the CitLab tool for Combinatorial Interaction Testing is presented. The tool allows importing/exporting models of combinatorial problems from/to different application domains, by means of a common interchange syntax notation and a corresponding interoperable semantic meta-model. Moreover, the tool is a framework allowing embedding and transparent invocation of multiple, different implementations of combinatorial algorithms. \citlab has been designed tightly integrated with the Eclipse IDE framework, by means of its plug-in extension mechanism. It is intended to easy the spread of CIT testing both in industrial practice and in academic research, by allowing users and researchers to apply multiple test suite generation algorithms, each with its peculiarities, on the same problem models, and let them compare the results in order to select the one that best fits their needs, while alleviating from the pain of knowing all the different details and notations of the underlying CIT tools.

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