



Refereed International Journals Articles

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
How to Optimize the Use of SAT and SMT Solvers for Test Generation of Boolean Expressions
in The Computer Journal, 2015 (to appear)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Using mutation to assess fault detection capability of model review
in Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2014 (early view)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini
Test Generation for Sequential Nets of Abstract State Machines with Information Passing
in Science of Computer Programming (2014), 94, Part 2(0):93-108, 2014

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
A Model Advisor for NuSMV Specifications
in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer London, vol. 7 (2011): 97-107

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra
A model-driven process for engineering a tool-set for a formal method
in Software: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 41, n. 2 (2011): 155-166

Refereed Papers in Proceedings of International Conferences and Workshops

P. Arcaini, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra
Modeling and analyzing MAPE-K feedback loops for self-adaptation
in 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2015), Florence, Italy, May 18-19, 2015 (to appear)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, P. Vavassori
Generating Tests for Detecting Faults in Feature Models
in 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2015), Graz, Austria, April 13-17, 2015 (to appear)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Using SMT for dealing with nondeterminism in ASM-based runtime verification
in 14th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2014), Enschede, The Netherlands, September 24-26, 2014

P. Arcaini, R.M. Holom, E. Riccobene
Modeling and formal analysis of a client-server application for Cloud services
in 11th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods: Formal Aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (WS-FM:FASOCC 2014), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 11-12, 2014 (to appear)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
An Abstraction Technique for Testing Decomposable Systems by Model Checking
in 8th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2014), York, UK, July 24-25, 2014

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Offline Model-Based Testing and Runtime Monitoring of the Sensor Voting Module
in 4th International Conference on ASM, Alloy, B and Z (ABZ 2014)-Case study track, Toulouse, France, June 2-6, 2014

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Modeling and Analyzing Using ASMs: The Landing Gear System Case Study
in 4th International Conference on ASM, Alloy, B and Z (ABZ 2014) - Case study track, Toulouse, France, June 2-6, 2014

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, P. Vavassori
Validation of Models and Tests for Constrained Combinatorial Interaction Testing
in 3rd International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT 2014), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, March 31, 2014

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Online testing of LTL properties for Java code
in 9th Haifa Verification Conference (HVC 2013), Haifa, Israel, November 5-7, 2013

P. Arcaini, G. Bordogna, S. Sterlacchini
Wildfire Susceptibility Maps Flexible Querying and Answering
In 10th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2013), Granada, Spain, September 18-20, 2013

P. Arcaini, G. Bordogna, S. Sterlacchini
Flexible Querying of Volunteered Geographic Information for Risk Management
In 8th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2013), Milano, Italy, September 11-13, 2013

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Combining Model-Based Testing and Runtime Monitoring for Program Testing in the Presence of Nondeterminism
in 9th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2013), Luxembourg, March 22 2013 - Best paper award

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Components monitoring through formal specifications
in 17th International Doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture (WCOP 2012), Bertinoro, Italy, June 25 2012

P. Arcaini, F. Bolis, A. Gargantini
Test Generation for Sequential Nets of Abstract State Machines
in 3rd International Conference on ASM, Alloy, B and Z (ABZ 2012), Pisa, Italy, June 18-22, 2012

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
CoMA: Conformance Monitoring of Java programs by Abstract State Machines
in 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2011), San Francisco, California, September 27-30, 2011

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Optimizing the Automatic Test Generation by SAT and SMT solving for Boolean Expressions
in 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Lawrence, Kansas, November 6-12, 2011

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Automatic review of Abstract State Machines by Meta Property Verification
in 2nd NASA Formal Methods Symposium, Washington D.C., USA, April 13-15, 2010

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
AsmetaSMV: A Way to Link High-Level ASM Models to Low-Level NuSMV Specifications
in 2nd International Conference on ASM, Alloy, B and Z (ABZ 2010), Orford, QC, Canada, February 22-25, 2010

P. Arcaini, A. Carioni, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra
A model-driven process for engineering a tool set for a formal method
in Workshop on Tool Building in Formal Methods, WS-TBFM 2010 (2010)

Chapters in books

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra
Formal Semantics for Metamodel-Based Domain Specific Languages
in Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments. IGI Global (2012)

Technical reports

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Equivalence checking of NuSMV specifications
in Technical report of Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione, no 134 (November 2011)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Runtime monitoring of Java programs by Abstract State Machines
in Technical report of Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione, no 131 (November 2010)

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
AsmetaSMV : a model checker for AsmetaL models. Tutorial
in Technical report of Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione, no 120 (July 2009)


P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra
The ASMETA framework
in iFM 2012 & ABZ 2012 - Posters & Tool demos Session, Pisa, Italy, June 18-22, 2012

Papers in Proceedings of National Conferences and Workshops

P. Arcaini, G. Bordogna, E. Mangioni, S. Sterlacchini
Analisi spazio-temporale di messaggi Twitter per l'identificazione di eventi
in 18a Conferenza nazionale ASITA 2014, Firenze, Italy, October 14-16, 2014

P. Arcaini, G. Bordogna, E. Mangioni, C. Polyzoni, S. Sterlacchini
Il progetto SISTEMATI - The SISTEMATI project
in Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, Vol. 30 (2014), pp. 55-61.

P. Arcaini, G. Bordogna, E. Mangioni, S. Sterlacchini
Uno strumento per la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini alla cura e salvaguardia del territorio per la prevenzione delle emergenze ambientali
in 17a Conferenza nazionale ASITA 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, November 5-7, 2013

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, P. Vavassori
NuSeen: an eclipse-based environment for the NuSMV model checker
in VIII Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community (Eclipse-IT 2013), Crema, Cremona, Italy, September 19-20, 2013

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
epop: An Eclipse-based Extensible Research Evaluator
in VII Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community (Eclipse-IT 2012), Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy, September 20-21, 2012


P. Arcaini
Tool-Assisted Validation and Verification Techniques for State-Based Formal Methods [pdf]
in PhD Thesis in Computer Science, February, 2013 (Advisor: Prof. E. Riccobene)