Simone Mutti is a post-doctoral researcher at Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Bergamo. His research interests are in the area of OS security, privacy, and data management, with particular consideration of access control in emerging scenario. From August 2014 to November 2014, he spent 3 months as a Visiting PhD in the Computer Security Group at University of California - Santa Barbara, under the supervision of professors Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna where he contributed to the implementation of a new infrastructure for the detection of Android malware. --- ### Contacts Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, dell'Informazione e della Produzione Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Bergamo, Via Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine BG, Italy Office location: B building, 3rd floor, office #305 Phone: +39-035-205-2376 e-mail: --- ### Publications [Google Scholar]( [DBLP]( #### Papers in Proceedings of International Conferences and Workshops * Simone Mutti, Enrico Bacis and Stefano Paraboschi. "*SeSQLite: Security Enhanced SQLite*" in 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2015) [pdf]( * Simone Mutti, Yanick Fratantonio, Antonio Bianchi, Luca Invernizzi, Jacopo Corbetta, Dhilung Kirat, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna "*BareDroid: Large-scale Analysis Of Android Apps On Real Devices*" in 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2015) [pdf]( * Simone Mutti, Enrico Bacis and Stefano Paraboschi. "*An SELinux-based Intent manager for Android*" <font color='red'>Best Poster Award</font> in Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 IEEE Conference, 2015 [pdf](papers/cns_intent.pdf) * Enrico Bacis, Simone Mutti, Steven Capelli and Stefano Paraboschi. "*DockerPolicyModules: Mandatory Access Control for Docker Containers*" in Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 IEEE Conference, 2015 [pdf](papers/cns_docker.pdf) [poster](papers/cns_docker_poster.pdf) * Simone Mutti, Enrico Bacis and Stefano Paraboschi. "*Policy Specialization to Support Domain Isolation*" in 8th Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense (SafeConfig 2015) [pdf](papers/safeconfig_typebounds.pdf) * Enrico Bacis, Simone Mutti, and Stefano Paraboschi. "*AppPolicyModules: Mandatory Access Control for Third-Party Apps*" in 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2015) [pdf](papers/asiaccs15.pdf) * Marco Guarnieri, Eros Magri, Simone Mutti, and Stefano Paraboschi. "*On the notion of redundancy in access control policies*" in 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2013) [pdf](papers/sacmat13.pdf) * Mario Arrigoni Neri, Marco Guarnieri, Eros Magri, Simone Mutti, and Stefano Paraboschi. "*Conflict detection in security policies using semantic web technology*" in 1st International IEEE-AESS Conference in Europe about Space and Satellite Telecommunications - Security and Privacy Special Track (ESTEL 2012) [pdf](papers/estel12.pdf) * Marco Guarnieri, Eros Magri, and Simone Mutti. "Automated management and analysis of security policies using eclipse." in 7th Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies (Eclipse-IT 2012) [pdf](papers/eclipseIT-12.pdf) * Simone Mutti, Mario Arrigoni Neri, and Stefano Paraboschi. "*An Eclipse plug-in for specifying security policies in modern information systems.*" in 6th Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies (Eclipse-IT 2011) [pdf](papers/eclipseIT-11.pdf) #### Short Papers in Proceedings of International Conferences and Workshops * Mario Arrigoni Neri, Marco Guarnieri, Eros Magri, Simone Mutti, and Stefano Paraboschi. "*A Model-driven Approach for Securing Software Architectures*" in 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2013) [pdf](papers/secrypt13.pdf) #### Chapters in Books * Cataldo Basile, Matteo Maria Casalino, Simone Mutti and Stefano Paraboschi. "*Detection of conflicts in security policies*" Computer and Information Security Handbook (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Security) --- ### Professional Activities * VLDB Journal - reviewer * 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2015) - subreviewer * 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2015) - subreviewer * 6th 7th International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES 2014 - 2015) - PC member * Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2015) - subreviewer * Security and Trust Management (STM 14) - subreviewer * 8th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE 2014) - subreviewer * 2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy Preserving in e-Societies (SeceS 2014) - reviewer * 18th European Symposium on Security in Computer Security (ESORICS 2013) - subreviewer * 6th 7th 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2013 - 2014 - 2015) - PC member * IEEE ICC 2013 - Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium - subreviewer --- ### Academic attivities ####Teaching Assistant, Politecnico di Milano * Database 2 (Prof. Stefano Paraboschi, 2015 - 2016, English) [intro](teaching/intro_polimi_271015_parabosc.pdf), [exe1](teaching/exe1_polimi_271015_parabosc.pdf), [exe2](teaching/exe2_polimi_031115_parabosc.pdf), [exe3a](teaching/exe3a_polimi_231115_parabosc.pdf), [exe3b](teaching/exe3b_polimi_231115_parabosc.pdf), [exe4](teaching/exe4_polimi_011215_parabosc.pdf), [exe5a](teaching/exe5a_polimi_180116_parabosc.pdf), [exe5b](teaching/exe5b_polimi_180116_parabosc.pdf), [exe5c](teaching/exe5c_polimi_180116_parabosc.pdf), * Database 2 (Prof. Daniele Maria Braga, 2015 - 2016, English) [exe1](teaching/exe1_polimi_091115_braga.pdf), [exe2](teaching/exe2_polimi_161115_braga.pdf), [exe3a](teaching/exe3a_polimi_211215_braga.pdf), [exe3b](teaching/exe3b_polimi_211215_braga.pdf), [exe4a](teaching/exe4a_polimi_190116_braga.pdf), [exe4b](teaching/exe4b_polimi_190116_braga.pdf), [exe5a](teaching/exe5a_polimi_250116_braga.pdf), [exe5b](teaching/exe5b_polimi_250116_braga.pdf), [exe5c](teaching/exe5c_polimi_250116_braga.pdf), [exe5d](teaching/exe5d_polimi_250116_braga.pdf) * Database 2 (Prof. Stefano Paraboschi, 2012 - 2013, English) * Basi di dati 2 (Prof. Daniele Maria Braga, 2012 - 2013, Italian) * Basi di dati 2 (Prof. Alessandro Campi, 2012 - 2013, Italian) ####Teaching Assistant, Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Bergamo * Basi di dati 2 (Prof. Stefano Paraboschi, 2015 - 2016, Italian) [intro](teaching/intro_unibg_221015_parabosc.pdf), [exe1](teaching/exe1_unibg_221015_parabosc.pdf), [exe2](teaching/exe2_unibg_291015_parabosc.pdf), [exe3](teaching/exe3_unibg_031115_parabosc.pdf), [exe4a](teaching/exe4a_unibg_171115_parabosc.pdf), [exe4b](teaching/exe4b_unibg_171115_parabosc.pdf), [exe5](teaching/exe5_unibg_261115_parabosc.pdf), [exe6a](teaching/exe6_unibg_031215_parabosc.pdf), [exe6b](teaching/exe6_unibg_171215_parabosc.pdf), [exe6c](teaching/exe6b_unibg_171215_parabosc.pdf) * Basi di dati 2 (Prof. Stefano Paraboschi, 2012 - 2013, Italian) * Basi di dati e Web (Prof. Stefano Paraboschi, 2012 - 2013, Italian) --- ### International and National projects * member of the UNIBG unit in European project "ESCUDO-CLOUD - Enforceable Security in the Cloud to Uphold Data Ownership" (2015-2018) * member of the UNIBG unit in European project "PoSecCo - Policy Security Configuration" (2010-2013) * member of the UNIBG unit in Italian PRIN 2010 project "GenData-2020" (2013-2016) * member of the UNIBG unit in Italian PRIN 2008 project "Privacy and Protection of Personal Data" (2010-2012) --- ### Links * []( --- The documents distributed by this server have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. 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