Data bases 2, Academic Year 2023-2024
Data bases 2
Academic year 2024/2025
Time schedule and instructors
Time schedule:
Tuesday 14.00-16.45, Room B003
Wednesday 8.40-10.25, Room A201
- Students have to be part of the Microsoft Team associated with the course.
Use this LINK to enroll.
Individual project
Students have the option to develop a project
The points assigned to the project are added to the grade obtained in
the written exam
The project requires to do a significant experience in the use of
advanced data
management technology.
The project topic must be agreed with the professor.
Intermediate tests and final exams
It is possible to pass the exam with intermediate tests.
Intermediate tests will be offered on these dates.
I test: Thursday October 31st, 3.30pm, room XX. It is not necessary to register to take the exam; just come on time to the exam room.
II test: Friday December 20th, 4.30pm, room XX (only students who obtained a grade in the first test can attend the second test)
Participation in the intermediate tests does not restrict participation in the exams.
A positive grade obtained in the intermediate tests is forfeited if a student attends
an exam and submits their work for evaluation.
- Conversion of intermediate test results into an official grade:
- Students taking Data Bases 2 as a standalone course must register
for any exam in the winter session to have their grade officially recorded.
- Students taking Databases 2 as part of an integrated course can have their grade officially
recorded only when a grade has been obtained for the other module.
- If a positive grade is obtained for Data bases 2 (via an exam or intermediate tests)
and no grade is yet available for the other module, no action is required to accept the grade
However, to reject the grade, the student must write an email before the end of the exam session.
- When a positive grade is also obtained for the other module,
the student must register for the exam and send an email to the professor with details of the grades
and the dates of both exams.
Textbook in Italian: Paolo Atzeni, Stefano
Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Riccardo Torlone "Basi di
dati", Sesta edizione, McGraw-Hill, 644 pagg.,
2023, Eur 49,00 (the textbook covers the programs of "Basi di dati" and "Data bases 2").
An alternative, in Italian: Paolo Atzeni, Stefano
Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Riccardo Torlone "Basi di
dati: Architetture e linee di evoluzione", Seconda edizione, McGraw-Hill, 338 pagg.,
2007, Eur 29,00.
- Textbook in English:
"Database systems",
McGraw-Hill. The textbook is freely available in PDF from the Website.
- The PDF files containing the slides used in classes are available
at this link, providing username
sistinf and password 050202
Additional material